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Consumi produse din peste marca ELIXIR deci ...



Bine ati venit in lumea produselor ELIXIR


Cu o vechime de peste 20 de ani, societatea noastra fiind infiintata in anul 1993, incercam sa fim mereu in slujba consumatorului.

Din anul 1998 ne-am specializat in importul, exportul, procesarea si comercializarea atat a  pestelui refrigerat cat si a celui congelat.

In acest sens, in anul 2007 ne-am inaugurat o noua unitate de productie, construita cu o cofinantare SAPARD, unitate care este la nivelul celor mai exigente standarde ale Comunitatii Europene.

Produsele noastre sunt comercializate pe tot teritoriul Romaniei, precum si in tari ca Anglia, Austria,  Belgia, Bulgaria, Italia, Franta, Germania si Spania.

Consume products ELIXIR brand fish so ...

You eat healthy!


Welcome to the world of ELIXIR products


With an experience of over 20 years, our company was founded in 1993, we trying to be always serving the consumer.

Since 1998 we have specialized in importing, exporting, processing and marketing of fish both chilled and frozen. In this respect, in 2007 we opened a new production facility, built with a co SAPARD grant, unit that is at the highest standards of the European Community.

Our products are sold throughout Romania, and in countries like England, Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Italy, France, Germany and Spain.

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